Overall Sumnmary

  • Overall, this has been a pretty difficult experience, because I did not know much about classes in this experiment and I had to teach myself classes and how to effectively use them; more specifically, working on the level classes and then using these classes together. Then I tried to get some of the code working, but after hours and hours of practice, I was starting to die inside. VSCode keeps giving me errors and I have to fix them (ex: making voids static and such). I also wasn’t familiar into how jupyter notebooks were working, but luckily I learned how to make them function later on.

Suggestions to and from the other crossover group

  • Nikhil: Did Methods. Wrote a bunch of comments. Used chatgpt to make feedback for comments. Wrote some code that’s funcitoning. He worded everything fine. I gave him a .95, since he wrote too many comments. If he did input/output, he prob would’ve gotten a 1.
  • Krishiv: writes a class along with an extend class; 2017 topic. He did a good job presenting, well he could’ve spoken a bit louder at the same time Score: 0.9
  • Parav: Did like a statistics problem. He’s trying to find the mode within an array list, and prints out that number; Got a bunch of comments; He seems to have putten in a lot of effort. He did use chatgpt to check his work and not copy entirely. His presentation was solid, some suggestions for him might be to add some comments in his code for a bit, and have him try to run his code, at least in jupyter notebook ;0.95
  • Shaurya Goel: Chose 2022 arrays, populates, to populate the array, find the total; finds if grid is null; Imports java, uses nested for loop to go through array; he keeps repeating which is understandable because he is trying his best. He iterates nested loop to iterate; He swore during the live review. You traverse through the for loop and while loop. 0.9
  • Suggestions: Not many suggestions for me, but the only one I got is to speak louder. Thus, they gave me a 0.95.