9.1 What is inheritance?

  • Inhertiance is like a family, except the kids only have one parent instead of two
  • For example: ```java class Mom{

} class Son extends Mom{

} class Daughter extends Mom{


In this example, the Son and Daughter inherits the Mom, meaning it inherit the components of the mother. This makes the "Son" and "Daughter" classes the ____ of the "Mom" class as they inherit the "Mom" class components and the "Mom" class the _____. 

## 9.2 Using the Super keyword for Constructors
- One keyword to know is the super keyword
- The super keyword allows the subclass to store key variables in the main class's ____ (also known as the super class)
- Example below:

public class Vehicle { //This is the Superclas, it inherits the key variables for its subclasses
    public String Name; //They don't have to be public, but I just put public word for fun
    public String Sound;
    public int creation;
    public int Mph;
    public Vehicle(String name, int dateMade, String sound, int mph){ //Similar to the constructor used in Javascript. It maintains values within this superclass
        Name = name; 
        Sound = sound;
        creation = dateMade;
        Mph = mph;
public class Car extends Vehicle {
    public Car(String name, int dateMade, String sound, int mph){
        super(name, dateMade,sound, mph); //Uses the superclass's constructor to store the key variables for the Car subclass
    public void Information(){
        System.out.println("I am the " + super.Name);
        System.out.println("I was made in " + super.creation);
        System.out.println("I move at " + super.Mph +" miles per hour");

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Car Tesla = new Car("Tesla", 2003, "VROOM!", 200);
I am the Tesla
I was made in 2003
I move at 200 miles per hour

9.4 Using Super keyword for Methods

  • Why only use super for constructors when you can use them for methods too?
  • With the super key word, not only can you store variables, but also store methods
class Animal{
    public void Introduction(String name){
        System.out.println("I am a " + name);
class Dog extends Animal{ 
    public void Woof(){
        super.Introduction("Dog");//Inherits the introduction method in the Animal Class, then introduces itself as a dog
        System.out.println("Woof!"); //Does its own thing
class Cow extends Animal{
    public void Moo(){
        super.Introduction("Cow");//Inherits the introduction method in the Animal Class, then introduces itself as a cow
        System.out.println("MOOOO!");//Does its own thing
class Test{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Dog dog = new Dog();
        Cow cow = new Cow();
I am a Dog
I am a Cow

9.5 Inheritance Hierarchies

public class Company{
    public String Name;
    public Company(String name){
        this.Name = name;
public class Workplace extends Comapny{
    public String name;
    public Workplace(String companyName, String Name){
        this.name = Name;
public class Worker extends Workplace{
    public Worker(String companyName, String, workplaceName)
public class Test{
    public static void main(String[] args){


  • Popcorn Hacks (0.2): Fill in all of the blanks. Miss one blank, you get no points for popcorn hacks
  • FRQ Hacks (0.7): Make a complex FRQ that involves everything we taught
  • Challenge (0.1): Make a minihack that uses everything we taught and it must run through main and uses input and output. The more complex, the higher the score.