Student Lessons

  • When organizing the lessons, I wanted to make the lesson more visual and easy to understand as Inheritance is a pretty hard and important topic in AP Exam. I look through all of fiveable and most of collegeboard videos, especially for my part. I worked on 9.1 and 9.2 lessons, I’ve also watched Collegeboard videos for other sections in case anyone in the audience has any questions and I can easily answer them if my team didn’t know. Kind of like the last part for the toString question. I also helped out on looking at some of my other teammate’s sections and yes some people were making other changes after I look at them.

Plan for blog:

I have made it so that the unit lessons are more accessible in my timebox so I can just click the link and I can just look through them whenever I need to. I will look at these blogs while preparing for the AP Exam as well as doing practice FRQs at the same time. I will still update my blog up to date for key features to consider.

FRQ Review:

I got a 39/40 overall. I messed up on question 13 as I misread the code a bit. The correct answer was supposed to be B as it prints k and arr[k]. How the code works is that it would start at imdex x = 0 and then it stops at one unit away from the array length minus one. As a result, it would printThe fact that it also prints in conditions of if arr[k] > arr[k+1] makes it more reasonable for k then arr[k] to print. My mistakes were that I misread the code to be running as if it were to print out the value after the next greatest, and that’s why I picked it To be honest, the mistakes I made were pretty careless and I probably need to be more careful next time. Something I learned so far is that I need to be careful for the AP Classroom MC. Overall, based on my learning experience, I should review my lesson notes, and do more practice problems, especially FRQs. I feel like questions like these will be related to the FRQ to some sort of extent.

Night at the Museum

I didn’t get to take a picture of every single event, especially the ones I reviewed. I did take pictures for other classes like CSP and CSSE. All Projects were amazing and I did feel like some projects could have improvements. I also have seen some really cool 3D Animations artwork. Some of them seemed to have been mine last year. It was great looking at them after not doing 3D Animation for months. The projects I have reviewed were good, there was a group who made a chess website along with a chat box, I was impressed, but considering how multiplayer factor was not working, this kind of made me sad. But multiplayer is hard, so I still gave them a high score regardless.

Extra Credit: Link


Bit of context, I am a Life Scout at troop 685, I held many leadership positions up to Senior Patrol Leader. I Ever since summer, I was trying to prepare for APCSA by teaching myself Java. I was worried that I wouldn’t do well in that class. Later on the first day, I thought that I had to learn javascript so I went to codeacademy and taught myself basic javascript. Then later on, I was stressed about every single live review since I was scared of what to expect. I wanted to get the highest scores possible and I was always worried that I would do bad. For the Pair showcase, I was trying to make the project as appealing and complex as possible, as I want to try something above and beyond. Throughout the pair showcase, I learned how to different functions in html and javascript work as I wasn’t too familiar wiht html and javascript in the first place. Same thing applied for project. Later on, for our lesson plan, I was thinking about how to make lessons engaging and such. After a few years in teaching, I thought about how I can apply these skills in my lesson. After applying my skills in my lesson, many people were engaged and liked my lesson over others. I explained how each line of code works clearly and concisely so they can understand. I was also pointing out key concepts in the website displaying the lesson and how super constructors work. I also did appreciate Mortenson’s corrections, I probably should’ve included these kinds of content in my presenation as it was also in collegeboard. I would I feel like that if you know stuff very well, you are guaranteed to be a really good teacher. When it comes to team teaching, I probably should’ve taught my team about how to use the EDGE Method, Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable. My team mainly sit down without explicitly pointing things out and I feel like they weren’t as engagin to the audience. If they used the EDGE Method, they probably would’ve done better in the lesson. If we are doing another student teaching series, I would tell my team about the EDGE Method and how it would be really appealing to the audience. I feel like EDGE is applicable to not only teaching classes, but also to everything for teaching anything. For next trimesters project, I plan to try to learn more about how backend operates as it was the first time using backend and I was struggling throughout. Later on, my team and I preserved throughout the project. After perservering throughout the trimester, I learned that to well in the class you have to show a ton of integrity and a ton of teamwork.