Basic Info for overall lesson:

  • Median = 0.95

    Collegeboard Quiz Prep

  • I learned more about what I did wrong as I actually spent more time on this than last time. I learned more about De Morgan’s Law
  • Alt text
  • Link
  • In addition, I have done some ACSL contest, with some problems being similar to the collegeboard MC


  • I learned how SASS can help make websites look better and how to operate properly.
  • SASS


  • The main process for CRUD is Create Read Update and Delete. This is mainly used to help manage databases.
  • Link

    Java Exploits:

    Probably my favorite lesson. I actually review what I previously learned in the CTF Club. At that time I learned more about how SQL injections work and the applications of each SQL Injection. For example, vulnerable websites being vulnerable to pipe linux commands within their websites:

  • Link
  • Now I have learned a lot more.


  • Hashmap_Links

    One thing I have learned is that hashmaps function similar to python arrays in terms of adding and removing, but instead of appending you use add.

  • Link

    My Issue:

  • Link to Issues

    Key Commits to my website:

For the Miniproject

  • Frontend

  • Backend

  • This was where I mainly worked on the fibonacci art piece I have had a few issues on committing and having them commit through. But later on, I was able to put everything in an organized manner in my website.

Contributions to the lesson:

I did most of the grading. I mainly just made some of the popcorn hacks for the lesson.

My Timebox:

Something I am passionate about my project

  • Something I am passionate about my project is adding sorting or searching to the java backend. I feel like that it will make the project more interesting and have a better use than the original project I did last tri.

A Key Learning from lesson:

  • A key learning for my project is essence for preventing sql injects and xxs. These right now are critical as they are possible to exoose others’ public info. As a result, for the project I will research possible ways to prevent these kinds of attacks.