
  • You really should try to answer the 5 questions below this without any help. These are core concepts that you should at least attempt to learn.
  • The update JQUERY function may require a little help but try without first
  • Hacks should only take 20 minutes at most

Free Response and MCQ

  1. What does CRUD stand for?
    • Create
    • Read
    • Update
    • Delete
  2. What are the HTTP verbs that are associated with each CRUD action?
    • C - POST
    • R - GET
    • U - PUT
    • D - DELETE
  3. What is JQuery? (jQuery is a library that allows us to use some of JavaScript’s built in functions)

  4. Match A, B, and C into the JQuery event handler for a data table
    • A: ‘click’
    • B: ‘.delete-btn’
    • C: ‘#data-table’

    $(c).on(A, B, function() { // code });

  5. Why do we use JQUERY with CRUD? Because it simplifies the create, read, update, and delete operations on data without requiring a lot of code writing, we use JQUERY with CRUD.

Finish the update JQUERY function

  • its all the way at the end, you should see the green comment
  • you can choose to use the two lines I’ve already given or not

<!DOCTYPE html>

Barbie Characters </tbody``> </table> </body> </html>
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