5.9 this Keyword


Evaluate object reference expressions that use the keyword this.

The keyword “this” is utilized in Java to refer to the current instance of a class. In other words, it helps to clarify what variable you’re referring to within the instance.

public class MyClass {
    private int value;

    public void setValue(int value) {
        this.value = value; // 'this' refers to the instance variable

QUESTION: How can you use ‘this’ to call a constructor?

5.10 Ethical and Social Implications of Computing Systems


Explain the ethical and social implications of computing systems.

Components of Ethical Implications:

  1. Legal issues and intellectual property are big concerns in program creation. Licensing open source software is a big issue, as it dictates how programmers need to comply with terms and how software can be distributed and used.

  2. Data privacy is also a big issue. There are many data protection laws that programmers need to ensure that their code complies with, especially if their program works with data collection and processing.

Components of Social Implications:

  1. There can be harmful impacts from software - malicious software can pose significant security risks.

  2. Software has transformed how people communicate, access information, and interact with each other. Social media platforms, for example, have changed the way society discusses issues, while algorithms can create filter bubbles that limit exposure to diverse opinions.


Write a two sentence reflection on the social and ethical implications of programming. (0.8) For Ethical implications, it’s best to consider the usage of intellectual property and data privacy among others. For Social Implications, we need to understand how software affects us for human interactions in the digital world and how impacts, like malware, can harm us in any way.